We hold EASA Third Country Approval

Special Spring 2023 Offers on Ready To Go Engines

  • 27.04.2023

Overhaul/Exchange Lycoming O-320-D3G

Price: £38,950.00

To supply freshly overhauled Lycoming O-320-D3G Roller Tappet Configuration style engine on exchange basis.

The engine has been fitted with a new Lycoming crankshaft.

 Engine Specification:

 New parts as specified by the engine manufacturer in accordance with Lycoming Service Bulletin 240W.

Plus the following accessories come with the engine:

  • New OEM Cylinder Assemblies
  • New “Skytec” lightweight starter.
  • Factory Rebuilt Slick Magnetos.
  • New Ignition Harness.
  • New Spark Plugs.
  • New Oil Filter.
  • New Fuel Pump.
  • Overhauled/Exchanged Carburettor.
  • External Finish – Grey colour.



Warranty on overhauled exchanged engines is 24 months or 1000 hours (whichever occurs first) on labour with parts as warranted by individual manufacturers*.


Warranty is 100hrs or 6 months (whichever occurs first) on Norvic Aero Engines labour with parts as warranted by individual manufacturers.  Externally sourced accessories are warranted in accordance with manufacturer and sellers terms & conditions*.


The overhauled engine will be dynamometer tested and released to service by the issue of an CAA FORM 1 or Dual Release I.A.W UK CAA PART 145 Approval Ref – UK.145.01182 and FAA Approval Ref 33NY343C or EASA FORM 1 I.A.W EASA Approval Ref EASA.UK.145.01182 – Please specify release requirement.


Core deposit: £16,500.00 (see notes section)

Full payment before release.


 Availability within 5 days subject receipt of order and payment.


Collection and delivery FOC in UK. However, we can arrange to get a competitive quote if you are outside the UK.

NOTES: The customer’s return core engine must be like for like, complete and suitable for re-overhaul. Additional charges, if any, will be advised after strip examination.

P.S: – The above ready to go engine will not include airframe items such as mount bushings (Lord Mounts, Barry Mounts) airframe-to-engine fluid hoses, propeller governor, vac pump, alternator, oil cooler etc. “Unless additionally specified by the customer, which would then be at extra cost”.

Our offer is valid for 30 days from the above date.

Please note: all prices are plus vat (if applicable).

Please email info@norvic.com for more information or call us on + 44(0) 1273 490100


Overhaul/Exchange Continental O-300-D 

Price: £37,295.00   

Engine Specification:

 New parts as specified by the engine manufacturer in accordance Continental Standard Manual M-O (current issue).

Plus the following accessories come with the engine:

  • New Cylinder Assemblies.
  • New Camshaft.
  • New Spark Plugs.
  • New Ignition Harness.
  • New Slick Magnetos
  • New Oil Filter.
  • Overhauled/ Exchange Starter Motor.
  • Overhauled/ Exchange Carburettor.
  • External Finish – Gold colour.



Warranty on overhauled exchanged engines is 24 months or 1000 hours (whichever occurs first) on labour with parts as warranted by individual manufacturers*.


Warranty is 100hrs or 6 months (whichever occurs first) on Norvic Aero Engines labour with parts as warranted by individual manufacturers.  Externally sourced accessories are warranted in accordance with manufacturer and sellers terms & conditions*.


The overhauled engine will be dynamometer tested and released to service by the issue of an CAA FORM 1 or Dual Release I.A.W UK CAA PART 145 Approval Ref – UK.145.01182 and FAA Approval Ref 33NY343C or EASA FORM 1 I.A.W EASA Approval Ref EASA.UK.145.01182 – Please specify release requirement.


Core deposit: £18,500.00 (see notes section)

Full payment before release.


 Availability within 5 to 7 days subject receipt of order and payment.


Collection and delivery FOC in UK. However, we can arrange to get a competitive quote if you are outside the UK.

NOTES: The customer’s return core engine must be like for like, complete and suitable for re-overhaul. Additional charges, if any, will be advised after strip examination.

P.S: – The above ready to go engine will not include airframe items such as mount bushings (Lord Mounts, Barry Mounts) airframe-to-engine fluid hoses, propeller governor, vac pump, etc. “Unless additionally specified by the customer, which would then be at extra cost”.

Our offer is valid for 30 days from the above date.

Please note: all prices are plus vat (if applicable).

Please email info@norvic.com for more information or call us on + 44(0) 1273 490100




Request a quotation or make an enquiry

    Please note that we are a United Kingdom based company.

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    • Country of Origin*

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